Rabu, 27 Oktober 2010


hey all akhir-akhir ini saya sangat sibuk karena baca buku yang banyak banget. Jujur aja semua buku gw lahap abis saking minat bacanya. Dan gw juga membeli buku bahasa Ingris yang wow dan bikin gw addicted pengen beli lagi!!!! Judulnya Gifted. Di belakang bukunya ada tulisan gini
" Nine Teenagers, Nine secrets, Nine powers that can change the world "
AAAAAA Isn't it cool?!?! this book really make me addicted! ceritanya anak2nya punya kekuatan khusus gt lah... Well mau tau? baca aja dulu dari sini.. nih link aslinya:

Gifted Series
Amanda Beeson is pretty, wears great clothes, and is a ‘queen ‘bee,’ one of the most popular girls at Meadowbrook Middle School. Unfortunately, she’s also one of the meanest girls at Meadowbrook. But Amanda has a very interesting reason for behaving badly to other people. She has to be mean, or she’ll end up somewhere she doesn’t want to be. Because if Amanda is too nice, she starts to care – and when Amanda cares about someone, she finds herself transported into their body. Bodysnatching is so not cool, and Amanda is determined to avoid it. So she’s beyond furious when she accidentally feels sorry for pathetic social outcast Tracey Devon, and wakes up trapped in Tracey’s body . . .

Jenna Kelley looks tough, acts tough and tries to think tough, though it’s not easy when your mom is an alcoholic and your dad is nowhere to be found. The other kids at Meadowbrook think she’s a criminal, a juvenile delinquent, and hey – they’re not completely wrong. Jenna runs with a bad crowd, even if she’s not so bad herself. With her secret mind-reading ability, Jenna stays one step ahead of everyone. She’s the first person to spot that Tracey Devon isn’t quite herself these days. If Amanda wants to get back to her own life, she’ll need Jenna’s help – and Jenna isn’t big on being helpful

Emily Sanders is a dreamy, distant girl, and teachers often scold her for not paying attention. But if they knew what Emily was dreaming about, they might have a little more respect for her – because Emily gets visions of the future. OK, so they’re not always one hundred percent accurate, but she’s working on it. The main problem is that no one ever seems to believe her – but how can Emily convince anyone when she can’t even believe herself?

Ken Preston seems to be the kind of boy who has it all. He’s smart, he’s athletic, he’s good-looking, and he’s got a bright future. But Ken’s hiding a big secret – something that makes him different from everyone else. After an accident killed his best friend, Ken started hearing voices – and the people talking are all dead. He may hate his gift, but there’s no denying that now and then, it can come in handy.

Tracey Devon is the kind of girl you have to feel sorry for. She’s shy, she’s nervous, and she seems to have a serious inferiority complex – not to mention the fact that her fashion choices are nothing short of tragic. Nobody seems to notice her, and for a very good reason! Tracey is so used to being ignored, she’s developed the ability to disappear completely. But will she be able to control her gift, or will she turn invisible forever

Charles Temple has been in a wheelchair since he was a baby. He’s never been able to walk, and he’s pretty angry about that. But being in a wheelchair doesn’t stop him from doing anything he wants. Charles has developed a special compensation for his disability: the ability to move things with his mind! Unfortunately, he tends to use his gift to get revenge on people who are mean to him, or to make himself more popular by cheating at sport. One of these days, Charles is going to learn that his gift is too powerful to take lightly.

Sarah Miller has curly black hair, a heart-shaped face, and the sweetest smile you ever saw. She’s kind and gentle and well-behaved. But she’s also the most dangerous girl in the whole school. Maybe in the whole world. Sarah’s gift is to control other people. Completely. She can make them do whatever she wants. And because she knows just how much trouble she could cause, Sarah won’t use her gift. Ever. Not even when she really should . . .

Martin Cooper is small for his age. He’s also very skinny. And he doesn’t have a great personality either. He’s had a problem in the past with other students teasing and bullying him, but somehow, the bullying seems to have stopped lately – maybe because Martin has a secret gift that he’s not so bothered about keeping a secret. When Martin gets angry, he gets strong – really strong – and a little bit violent. And he doesn’t mind demonstrating that to anyone who gets in his way!

Carter Street is a total mystery. Nobody knows anything about him – not even his real name. For some reason, he’s been put in the Gifted class, maybe because no one knows what else to do with him. Like the others in this group, there may be something very special about him. But so far, he hasn’t offered a clue as to why he too should be considered Gifted.

well i'm done here.. Mau baca bukunya bisa beli di TGA atau periplus kok.. Tapi sepertinya cepet abis soalnya wakt itu sehari gw masih liat ada 3 jenis tinggal 1.. well gatau juga sih tapi yaudah lah.. Bye all :)

Selasa, 05 Oktober 2010


Hai bloggie!!! (????) Lama banget ga nulis! Banyak banget cerita yang bener-bener harus gw ceritain!!!

1. Chatlog
Well hari ini gw ngecek dan liat2 blog abi jeje dan anita... maksud hati sebenernya adalah buat nyari hal yang lucu... Pada awalnya gw liat cerita yang lucu dan bikin gw seneng banget.. Pas liat blognya jeje... Gw melihat chatlog LP *jengjeng* ... gw yang tadinya berada di tempat tidur bela-belain buat membuka buku fisika biar tau rumus apa itu... Gw mencari rumus serta satuannya tapi hasilnya.. NIHIL! Dan lo semua tau kenapa nihil? Karena....
Ini jawabannya.........
Karena Rumus itu memang TERLALU SAKRAL BUAT DITULIS!

Gw yang sangat amat pusing memikirkan oppa saat itu karena keajaiban yang Tuhan kasih ke gw, tapi gw diganggu dengan rumus sakral itu.. Walaupun akhirnya nanti kalo ditanya gw jadi tau. Gw ga bakalan lupa rumus itu... SEUMUR HIDUP karena rumus itu ternyata penting banget. Gw yakin lo ga bisa hidup tanpa rumus itu. Lagipula rumus itu sakral banget dan terlalu berharga untuk dilupakan. Tapi sampe sekarang gw masih gatau satuannya apaan... Kata Jeje sih satuannya J.. Setau gw J itu cuma Joule tp katanya salah.. Mungkin gw harus cari lebih mendalam hmmm...

2. OPPA & DUDU!!!!
Semua orang tau gw suka sama oppa dan dudu.. Bahkan oppa dan dudu tau kalo misalnya gw suka sm oppa dan dudu (bahasa gw bisa di mengerti ga sih?) tapi mereka semua ga tau siapa tuh oppa dan dudu! Dan oppa dan dudu jelas gatau kalo itu mereka (makin ga bisa dimengerti bahasa gw ckck -,-) HAHAHA Seneng banget gw main tebak-tebakan! Sampai sekarang belom ada orang yang bisa tebak tanpa clue dari gw (soalnya kalo gw pakein clue pasti langsung tau.. eh gak deng masih susah juga kok) Frontal aja ya si oppa dan dudu itu bikin gw gila, tanya aja tira arita elda dian kezia tania abi sama syanne... Gw bisa mabok dan bisa mengeluarkan tenaga super buat loncat-loncat gara-gara mereka. Gila banget ga tuh? tapi ternyata manusia-manusia kesayangan gw ini punya kekurangan.. Dan kekurangan mereka adalah kekurangan yang paling ga gw suka.. tapi kenapa ga suka lagi sama mereka ber2 tuh susah banget... (ih nao jadi curhat frontal banget pula) ah yaudah lah peduli banget sama mereka toh mereka ga peduli sama gw. Right?

Gw sudah menerima hasil belajar gw selama 2 bulan di sekolah.. Dan raport gw.. Ya ampun ga pernah gw liat raport seindah itu (kata2nya elda nih hahha :p) gila itu raport yang paling menyeramkan yang pernah gw terima.. Dengan nilai merah merata di seluruh mata pelajaran! bener-bener malu ngasih tunjuk raport ke orang huhuhu :'( apalagi banyak banget yang ngira gw pinter dan terima raport duluan.. Sekolah gw emang kejam karena yang nilainya di bawah kkm terima raport belakangan dan yang pinter duluan..Ini namanya.... Ehm.. Diskriminasi kan ya?Well gw malah jadi makin malu gara-gara gw dikirain pinter itu (jujur banget gw).. Oh iya terus gw nanya sama wali kelas gw apa gw masuk ipa atau ips.. Dan jawabannya adalah.. IPA!!! YAAAY *loncat-loncat tiup terompet* seneng bangeeeeet banget banget sangat amat!!! katanya sih mat gw bagus dan kimia gw di atas rata-rata.. Tapi walaupun mat dan kimia gw bagus.. Fisika dan Biologi gw nilainya sangat... Meragukan dan membahayakan tepatnya. tapi gapapa lah mudah-mudahan deh bisa gw kejar pelajarannya.. AMIIN!

Well semuanyaa sekian dulu ya cerita gw dan.... IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII INI OKTOBER LOOH! ( i know you know what i mean hahahahaha :p)